Condition Assessments
Understanding the condition of your facility capital assets and planning for the future.
The K2M team has vast experience with facility management and assessments completing the analysis of over a 50 million square feet annually. To do so the K2M Team utilizes our highly experienced staff, specialty consultants, asset management, inventory, excel, and business intelligence software that we customize to our client’s assessment requirements. Together we create the road map to more effective utilization and sustainment of their facilities analyzing alternatives, forecasting replacement and repair needs, forecasting future system renewal costs, performing life cycle analysis of systems, identifying alternative impacts, and projecting annual budgets over various time frames.
Architectural Systems
Facility architectural component assessments include structural evaluation of foundation and superstructure, integrity of the building shell, and condition analysis of interior finishes.
Building Service Systems
Building service assessments within the facility include mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and life safety components. Systems include electrical and gas feeds to the building; electrical distribution, transformers, wiring and light fixtures; heating, ventilation and air conditioning; water and gas distribution, sanitary and storm sewer, potable and non-potable water, fire protection; fire alarm, communication and security.
Site Improvement Systems
Site systems include parking lots and access roads, pedestrian sidewalks, storm water components, landscaping, underground utilities, and various site constructions.
Featured Projects

Ohio Department of Transportation
Ohio Department of Transportation facility condition assessments were performed by K2M Design on 19 full service garages and assessed 40 remote sites in northern Ohio.

K2M Design and our engineering partner conducted over 12 million square feet of assessments and database development for NAVFAC in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Allen County Juvenile Justice Center
K2M Design partnered with Allen County and Allen County Common Pleas Court to provide a complete facility assessment and planning study to determine how the built environment can best serve the future needs of the Juvenile Justice Center for Allen County.

Lake County Public Safety Center
K2M Design contracted with Lake County to project its jail capacity for adult and juvenile facilities for the next 20 years, to create a project program, evaluate a predetermined site, and estimate probable costs.

City of Miramar
The city of Miramar, Florida, hired K2M Design to conduct a complete analysis and assessment of its facilities, buildings, grounds, and miscellaneous structures located within the city.

Gemini Tower
K2M Design is provided architecture, mechanical, electrical, plumbing engineering, and developer services for over 200,000 SF of commercial office space and renovations throughout the (2) six-story buildings.

Norman Noble
K2M Design has worked together to renovate and transform more than 150,000 SF of renovations.

Monroe Co Admin Space
Monroe County and the K2M team undertook a comprehensive strategic needs analysis and facilities assessment for both the short-term (5 year) and long-term (25 year).

Allen County Property Condition Assessments
K2M Design partnered with Allen County to provide a complete Planning and Facility Condition Assessment services for approximately 222,000 SF of existing space and land that can and does support various Allen County entities.

Lander County School District
The partnership with K2M and LCSD began with a complete on-site capital asset inspection, data analysis and reporting conditions on the several LCSD capital assets and continued with a roofing and siding project for the district based on the initial inspection findings.

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections
K2M Design provided complete Facility Condition Assessments for approximately 1,280,429 square feet of facilities operated by the State of Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections.

Cleveland Heights-University Heights State Safety Assessment
K2M Design was contracted to provide Safety Plans for 13 sites in accordance with State of Ohio Safety initiatives known as “Safer Schools”.

Historic Landmark Hotel Urbana
K2M Design provided a full Property Condition Assessment of major building systems including mechanical, electrical, plumbing, life safety, and fire suppression, as well as review life safety and fire suppression against brand requirements.
Our Clients Say…
K2M on GSA Schedule
K2M Design is a GSA Schedule Contract Holder on the Federal Supply Schedule for Facilities Maintenance and Management (03FAC) Solutions for Real Property.